The Coney Island Seventh Day Adventist Church sponsored a missionary
journey to travel to Haiti in July 2004. This humanitarian effort, which is headed by Pastor Mario Augustave, plans
to travel to a Haitian village and assist our Adventist brethren with their school, clothing and supplies.
The goal was to raise $30,000 for this project. We are
collecting food, clothing bicycles, computers, classroom materials, chairs and other materials which will be helpful.
Individuals who would also like to travel with us to Haiti may do so by contacting us.
The application, release form and flyer can be accessed at our page
listed below specifically for the Haiti Project.
Our goals:
1. Remodel the classrooms.
2. Build a Bakery on the school property
3. Put together a Book bindery
4. Build a Computer Lab for the High School Students.
5. Conduct seminars for the teachers.
6. Outreach to the community.
We are asking your support as we attempt to assist our brothers and
sisters there.
UPDATE: The Haiti Project Missionaries have returned from the project
and are embarking again to do missionary work within Haiti for 2005. For more information, please email